Insights | WealthFactor

What's a Wealth Concierge?

Written by WealthFactor | Jul 3, 2021 1:37:41 PM


Just as a hotel concierge is the well-informed, friendly face who can effectively facilitate your introduction to the city in which you are vacationing,  so is our Wealth Concierge the well-informed liaison between you, our technology, and our experts. 

Technology Liaison to assist if… 

  • you’re having trouble logging in, uploading a document, or getting connected.
  • you’re confused in any way about how to use a tool or dashboard element.
  • you have any questions and would like to speak to a real human!

This is the human factor of WealthFactor - yes we provide robust technology, but we also are backed by real humans you can talk to.

Expert Liaison to assist when… 

  • you’re being onboarded to work with an Expert -
  •  sometimes this requires sharing of additional documents, moving money, or the like. The Concierge will make it easy!
  • you’re not sure if you should reach out to your Expert with a question - the Concierge is always available!
  • you’d like a main point of contact for WealthFactor - the Concierge is it!

“I’ve noticed that clients sometimes feel bad bothering an Expert with a question and feel more comfortable coming to me instead,” says Brie Valant, Head of Concierge Services. “That’s what I’m here for - to assist with any needs and elevate those needs to Bill or Patrick or Jim, if needed.


We know pulling together the necessary documents to work with an Investment, Planning or Tax Expert can be daunting. And if they are a mess, it can be embarrassing. 

But not to worry… our Wealth Concierge is that contact at WealthFactor that will assist with document sharing, organizing all the important components, and handing it off smoothly. 

They are also working behind the scenes supporting our Experts as needed because having the most efficient processes and removing any layers that hinder that efficiency is how WealthFactor can best serve you.


You know that awkward moment when you feel like you should understand what a financial expert just said, but it would be embarrassing to ask for clarification as their comment goes right over your head? 

We know it can happen - each client is different and some may be more knowledgeable than others when it comes to the language we use in the wealth services world. Rather than assuming you know or talking down to you, our Concierge serves as a bit of a translator, offering practical applications and summarizing next steps so you know exactly what to expect. 

Our Concierge Team has seen it all. They are a wealth of knowledge, tips, and best practices to make your experience better. 

“It’s especially important in this technological industry that people have a human connection because we are handling an important component of people’s lives,” says Brie. “Clients can know that I’m going to follow up on everything on their behalf and that I’m here to assist in any way I can.”

At WealthFactor you will NOT be handed off to a member of a client services team.


That's the human factor of WealthFactor.

Schedule a time with Bill Woodruff, our Founder, to get your questions answered and to learn more about the difference you’ll experience with WealthFactor.

Not ready to talk? Meet our Wealth Concierge Team.